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Dear visitors, this webpage is about fantasy RPG desk game "Dračí doupě (DrD)" which is similar to other desk games like AD&D, MERP or others. Whole webpage is in the Slovak or Czech language. For foreign visitors is most interesting part of page "obrazky.htm" where are many pictures from Slovakia. All pictures numbered are from Slovakia. List of locations is down on this page. If you want to see this marvelous nature and historical beuties by your own eyes visit our small country in Central Europe. (more informations about Slovakia can be found on )

Whole webpage page consists of these parts :

Kronika : - "Chronicles" part is containing some kind of diary of our group of adventurers

Mapy Sveta : - "Maps of the world" in this section are maps of dungeons, cities, countries, lands in our world.

Obrazky : - "Pictures"  from our world. Some are originaly from our country...

Postavy : - "Characters" here are short texts and pictures about adventurers and if the players want, their personal web pages.

Info : - "Informations" about our world..

FAQ : - in slovak some answers about "Draci doupe" and RPG...

TXT a doplnky: - "Texts and supplements" for Drd in slovak or czech....

Ostatne : - "Others"

Kalendar : - "Calendar" used in our world...

Linky :  "Links"....

Hranie : - "Playing" some interesting thing from playing the game...statistics....


And now here is the list of locations published in "Obrazky" section.

1. Stara Lubovna - NE of Slovakia, 2. Pribylina - in  Liptov region, 3. Krivan - 2494 m. above sea l. in High Tatras, 4. Icy lake - in High Tatras, 5. High Tatras - in winter, 6. Spring - near Myjava, 7. Krivan, 8. High Tatras, 9. Zamagurie - region NE near National Park Pieniny, 10. Zamagurie, 11. Pieniny - National Park in NE Slovakia, 12. Pieniny, 13. Velka Fatra - in central Slovakia, 14. Velka Fatra - in winter, 15. Low Tatras - NP in central Slovakia, 16. Temple from wood - east Slovakia


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